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Own Your Own NEVADA, USA Corporation!


Sept. 11, 2001
"Courage is resistance to fear,
mastery of fear -- not the absence of fear."
-- Mark Twain

Welcome to Your Best Business Decision Yet!

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Would you like to receive a few "very special" Business Opportunities from me Periodically?

Running a business is never easy, but owning THE MOST EFFECTIVE business tool -- a NEVADA, USA corporation -- can often make a huge difference.


88% of Entities formed in Nevada do not require ether an office, mail forwarding, a bank account or telephone lines!

Did you know that 54% of all states do not cover punitive damages!

If you miss just one of the five elements of substantiation for an entertainment deduction the IRS may hit you with a 75% civil fraud penalty!

If you have been in business for 10 years or more, your odds of being sued in the next 5 years, is 1 in 3! Do you have the proper structure to survive?

Being a sole proprietorship when you have personal assets, is like a lightning rod poised to destroy your net worth.

23% of insurance companies have folded since 1980. Will yours be next? Will you be left holding the bag? (need to check this out).

A new partner in your business is more likely to cause damage to your existing company. Learn a better way.

22% of the people who form a corporation with improper coaching with respect to which entity is the best, will wind up with the wrong entity!

65% of business errors are made when consultants communicate important information to only one partner and that partner attempts to share it with the other partner.

Most tax savings are missed for two reasons, lack of proper information and lack of discipline!

15% of business failures are due to the simple lack of educationthey think they know it all.

Research proves that investing money to have the right support from the start of a new business will save you thousands in your first year in time and frustration. Just like knowing how to hire a top sales person may save you $30,000/per person!


Doesn't it make sense to you to know the right decision before you form an entity?

Have you really determined what your time is worth? If you are serious about forming an entity, doesn't it make sense to start off on the right foot?

Do you know why and when these facts may be important to your situation?

If your professionals can not explain what I can, what does that say about your professionals?

HERE IS YOUR NEXT STEP! (Click below for more details.)

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